Change in street name at WALTER
Today, we would like to inform you about a change in our address. We are happy to announce that our street will be named after our deceased senior partner Gerhard Fröhler (1942-2018). From August 15 onwards, our street name and number will be changed into Gerhard-Fröhler-Str. 35-37.
Gerhard Fröhler was a very inspiring man who influenced our company culture like no other. Apart from his wide knowledge in technical matters and entrepreneurship, we always appreciated his close and authentic relationship with the WALTER employees and customers. Born and raised in Kiel, he already completed his apprenticeship in the area where WALTER is located today. Later Gerhard Fröhler was substantially involved in the development of an industrial park by inviting other companies to settle down in this area.
Today more than 1000 employees work here in this industrial area close to the Kiel canal. We are happy that the city of Kiel honor Gerhard Fröhler and his dedication by choosing him as name giver. We will remember him as an extraordinary person. His passion for innovation continues to influence the WALTER spirit today.
Please use the following address from now on:
Gerhard-Fröhler-Str. 35-37
24106 Kiel