Blue Competence

In order to express our self-image of sustainability, we have joined the ‘Blue Competence’ initiative of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA). Its aim is to make processes transparent and to pool the expertise of companies that operate sustainably. Membership of ‘Blue Competence’ is our commitment to sustainability. With innovative solutions and optimised processes, we let deeds speak for themselves.

Our commitment

In order to express this self-image, we have joined the initiative "Blue Competence" of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA). Its goal is to make the processes more transparent and to bundle the know-how of sustainable companies. Membership in "Blue Competence" is proof of our commitment to sustainability. We let our actions speak for themselves with innovative solutions and optimised processes.

Sustainability Guidelines of the Mechanical Engineering Industry

Our comprehension of trendsetting sustainability is based on the principles of economic success, fairness, respect & responsibility and includes the dimensions of society, ecology & economy. We comprehend sustainable action in terms of the definition of the Brundtland-report(1) and the definitions of the German “Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung(2)“.

1. Sustainability is a crucial part of our company strategy.
2. We create solid business schemes with sustainable values and secure entrepreneurial success.
3. Our technologies and solutions promote worldwide sustainable developments.

4. Sustainable thinking and action are represented in our processes and products.
5. We act with consideration of resources and stand up for climate protection.
6. Our staff is our most valuable asset. We promote engagement and participation.
7. We stand up for keeping the human rights.

8. Our company is a habitat.
9. We take responsibility in our region.
10. We do, what we promise!

11. We actively cultivate the network with all participants.
12. We transparently communicate our sustainable action.

(1)„Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.“ (Brundtland-report, 1987)
(2)„Sustainable development means to consider ecological aspects equal to social and economic aspects. Therefore, sustainable economy means: For our children and grandchildren, we must leave behind us a sound ecological and economic structure.“ (Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, 2001)